Welcome to the wonderful world of knitting! Even if you've been here for a little while ago, there's always something new about this fascinating craft!
Let me by introducing you to the five stitch types that I think the start are at the heart of rope!
Learning to knit, you know, is nothing more than learning different knitting stitch types.
Wherever I roam the Internet, created many of the same questions. Again and again I come to forums and discussions with the same types of concerns.
In this article I will try to weave some of the basic stitches and includes everything they explain.
I want to talk about "the mesh" to "the mesh", "knit 2 together ',' Yarn-over 'and the' stockinette stitch.
These five stitches, I believe form the foundation of knitting. Learn and perfect, each of them, and you'll be well on your way to becoming experts in> Knitting!
All other patterns emerge from these few stitches. So, let's get started!
"The scam". Have you ever knit something? I mean really looked? If so, you will see a side of the knitting looks different than the others.
Knitting follows structures. The mesh is by grinding with each other one by one interwoven formed.
The mesh is little "v similar to" model when applied to the knitting of theSide a pattern.
To a "stitch" you use a needle to draw a loop of yarn through the existing stitch on the other needle. (You can knit with more than two needles, but that's a discussion for another day.)
Holding both needles in your hands, insert the right needle, from "front to back" into the first stitch on the left needle. Keeping the yarn at the back, take it "over" the tip of the needle counter-clockwise. Pull the thread down and start with the rightNeedle.
Push the "old" stitch on the left needle and you have a new stitch on the right needle! A stitch!
They are often told that the scam is the "right side" or RS of your work. But once in a while, it will be the "wrong side" or WAS.
Either way, it's good to know these two abbreviations.
"The scam". The scam is similar to looking like "brick-face" if the purl side will be considered a pattern.
Unlike the mesh, with theStitch, hold the yarn at the "front" of your knitting.
Insert the right needle from "back to front" in the first stitch on the left needle. With the right index finger, wrap yarn counterclockwise around and down the right needle.
Draw the right needle and yarn backwards through the "old" stitch. Slip the old stitch. A new stitch forms. A purl stitch!
"Knit 2 Together." Well, this is easy! Only the two knit together! Insert the right needle into the secondStitch from the top of the left needle, and make sure "catch" the first trick with him.
Bring your yarn and up and down, catch your yarn, slip off the old tricks, and you have a new stitch in their place.
They have received only one new stitch from two. Knitting two together is often used to reduce stitches or to create an open work pattern.
"Yarn over". Add a yarn over, or YO, is also in the creation of open work design. To do a yarn-over after a knitStich, so bring your yarn over your work from back to front. Then, knit the next stitch.
You will receive an extra stitch, see "on the series. If you are in this stitch into the next series of knitting, it will not look like the others enshrined. That's because you do have is all about himself.
Knit as you knit every stitch. As you go, you will see the yarn-overs create "holes" or openwork patterns in your knitting.
"Stockinette Stitch '. This stitch's knit most. Everything you consists of a series of knitting, then lapping the next and so on and so forth.
The stockinette stitch is exactly where every knitter should begin. And you stay until you also know your tricks!
So there you have it! * 5 * most popular knitting stitch types!
Get knitting!
Copyright 2006 Alice Seidel
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