Thread is a solid shot from two or more layers of yarn strand used for hand and machine. Some facts about sewing thread:
The difference between thread and yarn, this thread used to sew together garments and other products, while knitting yarn is a collection of fibers, fabrics or textiles. All the threads are made of yarn, but yarn is not of threads.
Be the first "thread" is used in sewing, made from animal sinew and plant fibers.
There arethree types of threads, animal, vegetable or synthetic, on the basis of the materials from which they made.
Silk is an example of thread made of animal products. The silkworm spins a cocoon of silk, are produced there. These cocoons are unraveled, and two or more strands are twisted to form a thread. Silk is a very fine, flexible and strong thread.
Cotton is an example of plant fibers used to make thread. Cotton fibers into a fine yarn spun two or moreStrands of yarn twisted together to make the thread. Cotton tends not shrink and is not as strong as silk thread. The thread is over an open flame singed and mercerized (soaked in a sodium hydroxide solution) to improve his strength and his glory.
Nylon and polyester yarn are examples of synthetic materials.
Ninety percent of all threads of all kinds are produced in industrial and commercial sewing used.
The development of industrial cotton threadin England, the result of a blockade during the Napoleonic wars in the early 19th was Century. This raw silk prevented from entering the country, so that no could be a thread for sewing. Patrick Clark invented a method of twisting cotton together to make sewing thread.
The original thread was that of Clark did not string enough to be in the new-fangled sewing machines of the later 19th To use century. George Clark, a grandson, Patrick, developed by six stranded thread with the qualitiesare necessary in order to be used in sewing machines.
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