
Machine Knitting -The Good and the Bad

Who is better, man or machine? Machine knitting is all about speed and volume. A knitting machine to an entire line in seconds, which could take several minutes to produce by hand. Knitting machines also highlight pattern with a more even tension. But no matter how efficient these machines are, nothing can replace the creativity of a hand knitter. Some hand knitting patterns do not align well with a machine. And most projects require a combination of hand > Knitting, machine knitting and crochet trim take to complete.

Knit A knitting machine, you can create a remarkable number of stitches per minute, without too much stress on your hands and fingers. A complex work of art that lasts several days until it can be completed by hand from one machine to be completed in just a few hours. Most machines have hundreds of design ideas to choose from. For example, Brother knitting machines offer more than 500 sample designs.

During> Knitting machines are fast and efficient, you can redound to the detriment either. The most obvious disadvantage is large. You need enormous free space to accommodate a bulky machine. With a knitting machine also requires 100% of your attention. Other than knitting by hand, you can not watch television or monitor your children while on a machine. Learning how the establishment and operation of a machine can be very time consuming.

Knitting Another plus: with the hand is the flexibility. You can easily adjustYour stitches in the middle of a row whereas the need for a machine, you are all tricks, you blew it and drop back to work on. Handstricken you can knit both your work as you watch along. With a machine you can only see the wrong side of the pattern.

A major setback with machine knitting, the cost of the machine. These things cost an arm and a leg, with an entry-level Brother knitting machine with a strong day from $ 500. A machine can work with only one weight class, so if you want to knit with other yarn weights, you become a different machine for every need. knitting machines and special equipment like a Silver Reed selling ribs plant at $ 700, an intarsia carriage at $ 90, and yarn changer for $ 300 - additional costs that you need to consider seriously before to try machine knitting.

Check out several makes and models before you buy a knitting machine. Ask Machine> Knitting expert advice or seminars on ropes in a club where you can view free demonstrations. Machine knitting discussion forums on the Internet you can choose the right ideas for knitting machine for you.

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